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March 26-30, 2021 at University of Tsukuba, Japan

Important Notice
​ Currently, the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) regulates the global mobility. Thus, Livestock Waste 2020 do online conference.
What LivestockWaste2020 Is All About

LivestockWaste2020 is the 4th International Conference on Recent Advancements in Sustainable Management of Livestock Waste and Rural Environment. This conference will be held at University of Tsukuba in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan at 26th and 27th March 2021 postponed from 26th to 30th March, 2020 due to the regulation of global mobility.

​Journal Special Issues
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Two special issues for high quality conference presentations were published in journals Bioresource Technology (BITE) and Bioresource Technology Reports (BITE Reports).

Keynote Speakers
Dr. Kiyonori HAGA
Councilor, Livestock Industry’s Environmental Improvement Organization (LEIO), Japan
March 27 9:00-10:00
"Sustainable Recycling of Livestock Wastes by Composting
and Environmentally Friendly Control of Wastewater and Odors"
Dr. Renjie DONG
Professor, China Agricultural University, China
March 27 13:00-14:00
"The treatment and Recycling of Livestock and Poultry Manure and Its Contribution to GHGs Emission Reduction"
Dr. Huu Hao NGO
Professor, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
March 28 9:00-10:00
"Insight into Enzymatic Processing in Animal Waste Management"
Special Lecture
Dr. Ashock PANDEY
Professor, CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, India
March 28 13:00-14:00
"How to Write a Scientific Manuscript and Get It Published"
University of Tsukuba, Japan

The venue is University of Tsukuba located in the Tsukuba Science City, Ibaraki Prefecture, 50 km northeast of Tokyo (45-50 min by Tsukuba Express Line), and 46 km (50-60 min by airport shuttle) and 85 km (110-120 min by airport shuttle) away from Narita Airport and Haneda Airport, respectively.


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